Missions Method

Our training of pastors will be a strategic blend of one-to-one, weekly pastors' fellowships (small groups of pastors in a geographic area) and occasional larger conferences. But the weekly pastors' fellowships will be a focal point, serving as contexts in which Regan equips pastors for Christ-centered expository preaching in their churches as well as training them in doctrine, life, and pastoral skills.


In character, we will aim for training that is:
robustly biblical, grounded in the authority and sufficiency of Scripture
systematically doctrinal, centered on Christ and the gospel, framed by the rich theological heritage of the Reformation and the distinct convictions of Baptist tradition
intensely spiritual, focused on their communion with Christ in holiness of life
practically helpful, with the sharpening of their ministry skills
warmly personal, in sharing life with them and showing hospitality
wisely cultural, with sympathy and sensitivity to their contexts


We are a family on mission for Christ together! Though the training and joining of pastors will be Regan's focus, Mellie and the whole family will be involved with him in exercising hospitality to pastors and their families and mercy ministries in the townships.