“As God thrusts you out…”

"As God thrusts you out..." Those were the words of Dan Branda, ABWE's Executive Director of Missions Mobilization, at the beginning of our Candidate Seminar class in March. Dan gave us a big bear hug at the end of seminar, after we were officially appointed. His statement strikes me now, in a fresh and more profound way, after I stepped out of my pastoral role at WBC at the end of April. We are full into the Pre-Field journey--God has thrust us out, and we feel our frailty and insufficiency. Yet, we are braced by the gospel, which put this confession in Paul's mouth: "Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" (2 Corinthians 3:5). It is our confession, too--our sufficiency, in its entirety is not in ourselves, but in Christ! The gospel is beneath this missions calling, and the gospel must be within it, too, sustainng, supporting, supplying our every spiritual need. To you, O Lord, we lift up our souls (Ps. 25:1).


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